Monday, September 24, 2012

We moved!

Sorry it's been so long.  We've been without internet since we moved almost a month ago.  Which brings me to the exciting news for the day...WE MOVED! After lots of prayers, lots of talking, and lots of trying to decide between practicality and awesome neighbors--we decided to move.  We don't live on that crazy steep hill anymore in the middle of São Lourenço, but in an apartment building about 5 minutes away from the center of town.  There are definite advantages and disadvantages to both of the houses, but I feel overwhelmingly blessed to be living in this new community.  We now have room for people to come visit and stay with us...*hint hint*!

1 comment:

  1. Did you say you have room for people to visit and stay?? heh heh! I can take a hint! (JK) So glad it's all worked out ;) Love y'all!
