Monday, September 24, 2012


At a camp a few weeks ago a young girl asked a group of us if we wanted to go exploring the city during free time and see the monkeys.  My automatic response was "yes!"  I've lived here for 6 months now and the only monkeys I've seen have been caged monkeys in this park downtown.  So we all got ready and set out on our walk.

After walking a little while, we stopped in this little square and I asked her how much longer till we got to see the monkeys.  She looked up and pointed and there above our heads were like 5 Sagui monkeys hanging out in this little habitat in the tree in the middle of town.  Naturally, we bought bananas and tried to lure them down, but they were very skeptical.  Here's a video of the friendliest...or hungriest.

1 comment:

  1. How big is this little monkey? Compared to the leaves and banana, it looks like it might be about six inches. It has a long bushy tail!
