Sunday, August 12, 2012

Obstacle Course in the Streets!

There have been quite a few interesting things in the street recently that deserve being shared with the rest of the world.  :)

Exhibit A: This is a giant tree stump. 
I don't really know where this tree stump came from because I'd never seen it before in my life, but one day it showed up on our way home and three days later it was gone.  They were doing a lot of construction on the road and I'm not sure if they dug it up, or were using it to defer traffic.  Either way, it made for an interesting landmark.  

 Exhibit B: This is a large pile of bricks.

A lot of people are doing construction on their houses right now so it's a pretty normal thing to see large piles of bricks or piles of sand in front of people's houses.  I also just find it funny because when someone is bringing us home, we just have to tell them that our house is the one in front of the giant pile of bricks.

Exhibit C: Lots of Water and a giant hole.

(Picture to come eventually)

Something happened about a month ago to a pipe on our street and it has been leaking water ever since.  They've come out to fix it a few times, but can't exactly find the problem.  So the hole keeps growing and shrinking and the water keeps flowing.  It's made our steep hill a little hard to climb!

1 comment:

  1. As we say in Hawaii, "bakatare".
    I love the glimpses into your everyday life in Brazil. LOVE IT!
