Friday, November 16, 2012


Anybody ever seen a fruit that grows on the trunk of the tree?!

Now you have.  It's called Jabuticaba.  It's a sweet, gooey fruit that takes over the trunk of the tree.  You break the skin, eat the sweet, gooey inside and spit the seed out.  The darker and bigger the fruit the sweeter it is.  Those green ones aren't ready yet and are still pretty bitter tasting. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wonderful People

 We went to our first Brazilian soccer game, the national team was playing against China. They won 8-0! It was a huge stadium filled with energetic fans and waves of yellow and green. Here we are with our friends Camila, Diogo and Nicole.

One Wednesday night we had a huge group, we talked about Daniel and the Lion's Den, made these bookmarks on which we wrote phrases to help us remember to trust in God
 We helped our friend Riso teach an English class for adults.  Some of them were shy but they also asked us lots of questions and we ending with singing God is so Good.   Afterwards one of her students took us quickly by several different beaches

 We went out to sushi with some of our friends from Portuguese class, we had a mix of Japanese, Australian, French, Colombian and Brazilian friends all speaking Portuguese. 

We had our new neighbors, the three couples from church that live in the same apartment complex, plus a few other friends over for a big mexican dinner. One batch of our enchiladas was too spicy for some of them.  It was a lively night of community and laughter. We're thankful for these friends, they've been helpful with getting us set up in our new place.